As a school, we are committed to promoting good attendance, recognising that this is central to raising children’s attainment.
Every week at Skelton, we hold a Good Work assembly where we announce the class or classes whose attendance was the highest for the previous week. The winning class is presented with a trophy and the top three classes are placed on the attendance display on bronze, silver or gold.
Celebrating individual attendance
We also celebrate individual attendance. Children who achieve 100% attendance receive badges in assembly; Bronze for 100% attendance for a full term, Silver for 2 terms and Gold for 3 terms. Children can wear these very special badges on their uniform everyday.
Postcards home
At the end of every half term, every child in school who has above 96% attendance receives a postcard from our Head Teacher. This is to congratulate them and celebrate their achievement.
Keep in touch
If your child is unable to attend school, please telephone the school office by 8.45am on the first day of absence.
If attendance falls below our expected 96%, parents may receive a letter or invited in to discuss attendance with a member of the school’s leadership team so we can work together to make improvements.
Please keep checking our newsletters and our Twitter feed each week to help us celebrate winning individuals and classes.