Religious Education

At Skelton Primary School, we aim to celebrate diversity and offer a welcoming and inclusive environment for all our pupils. We believe that Religious Education (RE) provides an opportunity to celebrate and foster awareness of these differences within our school and the wider world. It is a subject that celebrates diversity.

Our Aims

  • To help our children develop respect and sensitivity for all people
  • To help our children understand faith and moral codes to guide them and develop informed opinions
  • To help our children develop an understanding of modern multi-cultural Britain and how this is reflected in their lives and local community
  • To help our children understand more about the importance of religion in today’s world.

In Hope Sentamu Learning Trust schools, high quality RE is provided for all pupils, which is inclusive and broad-minded. RE in our City of York and North Yorkshire schools is taught in accordance with the local Agreed Syllabus for York and North Yorkshire. Our community schools in York and North Yorkshire follow the local-agreed syllabus, this includes Burton Green, Poppleton Ousebank and Skelton Primary. Manor Church of England Academy and Forest of Galtres AMPS follow the Diocese of York RE syllabus.

Right of Withdrawal

Parents/carers do have the right to withdraw pupils from RE lessons, or any part of the RE curriculum. If you wish to do this, please make an appointment with the RE subject leader in school. HSLT does not support selective withdrawal from RE.

Our schools have a duty to supervise pupils withdrawn from RE, though not to provide additional teaching or to incur extra cost. Where the pupil has been withdrawn, alternative arrangements will be made for RE of the kind the parents/guardians want the pupil to receive. These arrangements will be made by the parents/guardians. The school is not expected to make these arrangements. This RE could be provided at the school in question, or by another school in the locality. If neither approach is practicable, the pupil may receive external RE teaching as long as the withdrawal does not significantly impact on the child’s attendance.