
At Skelton Primary, we believe the use of information and communication technology is an integral part of the National Curriculum, a key skill for everyday life and vital for a successful future for our children. Computers, tablets, programmable robots, digital and video cameras are a few of the tools that can be used to acquire, organise, store, manipulate, interpret, communicate and present information. In an evolving world where technology is at the heart, we aim to develop enthusiasm in computational thinking and confidence in using the latest technologies for a range of purposes.

Our Computing curriculum is delivered through Kapow. Kapow focuses on developing 5 key areas across KS1 and KS2: programming, computing systems and networks, creating media, data handling and online safety. Throughout their time at Skelton Primary, pupils revisit those 5 key areas, however cover them with greater complexity as the year groups progress. Upon returning to each key area, prior knowledge is utilised so pupils can build on previous foundations, rather than starting again.

Children also have 4 opportunities to showcase their skills in Y1, Y4, Y5 and Y6.

At Skelton, it is paramount that children are confident users of technology, including the internet, whilst exploring it safely. As a school, we have a duty to safeguard and promote the welfare of our children which includes online safety.

Online Safety

The Internet is an amazing place. Our pupils can play, create, learn and connect – the possibilities are endless. But there are also risks. Therefore we regularly discuss the importance of online safety with our pupils and they have all agreed to follow our acceptable use policy. Please click on the links below for copies of these documents.

KS1 Acceptable Use Policy

KS2 Acceptable Use Policy

Our curriculum
Please click on the links below to find out more about our curriculum:

Online safety: information, guidance and resources

CEOP (Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre) 0870 000 3344
The UK’s national police centre for protecting young people and children from sexual abuse.

Childline (24 hours): 0800 1111
Free and confidential helpline for children & young adults in the UK.

Childnet  020 7639 6967
A non-profit organisation working with others to help make the Internet a safe place for children.

Kidscape  020 7730 3300  Helpline 08451 205 204, or ring Childline 0800 1111
Deals with bullying, stranger danger, threats of abuse.
Online safety tools for families.

Think You Know
Online educational resources for children and young people provided by the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre.


Check out our amazing Computing activities!

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